Services & Rates

Services I offer


Deep Tissue Massage
Swedish Massage
Neuromuscular Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy
Orthopedic and Medical Massage
Fully Clothed Massage
Energy Work, Reiki, Polarity
Foot Reflexology
Massage With/Reflexology
Sports Massage
Cancer/Oncology Massage
Geriatric Massage
Polarity Therapy
Chair Massage

CEU Provider Workshops

Service Rates

General Rates:  
Massage:    $75 1hr    $110 90 min     $145 2hrs
CEU Workshops:    $125 minus $26  (see more discount Specials)

Massage CEU Workshops

Click on this link:  to Register and pay for your Workshop.

Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Massage_Beginners -6 CEU hours
DeepTissue and TriggerPoint Massage_Advanced -6 CEU hours     Build Your Basic Business Website - 6 CEU hours
Chair Massage (includes on-site)  -6 CEU hours
Foot Reflexology  -6 CEU hours
Foot Reflexology & DeepTissue Back/Neck Combo -6 CEU hrs

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

Deep Tissue/TriggerPoint Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness may occur after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session. (See Description of Trigger Point Therapy below)

Trigger Point Therapy

This technique is part of Neuromuscular Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage

Trigger Point Therapy - is a style of bodywork that focuses on stimulating and releasing "trigger points" in your body. Trigger points are tender areas of tension (areas of high neurological activity) similar to acupressure points, except they occur in the belly of the muscle rather than along the energy pathways of the body. These "knots" are built up throughout a person's life due to physical, mental, and/or emotional stress. During a session, focused pressure is applied through a variety of techniques order to release your trigger points. This process includes giving feedback to the therapist when tender areas that have Trigger Points are found, so theraist can back off on the pressure and have you breath to release the energy/memory from the area. The effects are lasting and profoundly transformative.

Trigger Point Therapyis therapy that releases trigger point areas of high neurological activity (when stimulated or stressed) that caused pain, headaches, problems, fatigue, immune system dysfunction, etc. in other parts of the body. This trigger point release activates the parasympathic nervous system and therefore helps bring the body back into homeostasis.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is a system of massage techniques that were developed in the 1930's by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. It uses a holistic approach towards healing, emphasizing and stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself. Neuromuscular therapy also enhances the function of joints and muscles, and accelerates the overall healing process by facilitating the release of endorphins.

Orthopedic and Medical Massage

$75 per 1 hour

Orthopedic Massage: A Structural Approach to Pain Management

Orthopedic massage: is a style of massage therapy focused on treating painful conditions that affect the soft tissues of the body. Because orthopedic massage is designed to treat medical conditions, it requires extensive training. It involves releasing tense muscles, helping to stretch and lengthen tight muscles and tendons, and decompress rigid joints. My goal is to restore full health to the soft tissues of your body, both treating your specific conditions as well as improving your overall well-being.

Orthopedic Massage involves therapeutic assessment, manipulation and movement of locomotor soft tissues to reduce or eliminate pain and dysfunction. A unique multidisciplinary approach is utilized to restore structural balance throughout the body which will allow me to focus on the prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunctions, chronic pain and sports injuries. The primary modalities include functional assessment, myofascial release, cross fiber gliding strokes, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue mobilization techniques, p.n.f. stretching, neuromuscular re-education, strengthening, and specific client home care protocols. These techniques will allow me to obtain immediate and permanent results in even the most challenging and complicated clients.

Fully Clothed Massage

Massage with clothes on.

Energy Work, Reiki, Polarity

$40 per 1/2 hour

$75 for 1 hour

Energy work is based on the belief that everyone has a "life force", and that the body needs to sustain its balance for optimum health. Anytime you experience emotional or physical illness, it indicates that your life force has simply become unbalanced. I work directly with your energy field to restore balance and flow to your entire system. And once your energy field has been restored to full health, your body will follow.


$40 per 30 minutes

$75 for 1 hour - Includes corresponding Neck and Back work.

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, and depression.

Massage With/Reflexology

$75 per 1 hour

$110 for 1 1/2 hours

One hour = 1/2 hr Foot Reflexology and 1/2 hour Massage

1 1/2 hour = 1/2 hr Foot Reflexology and 1 hour Massage


Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, and depression.

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.

Cancer/Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage is a special type of massage developed specifically for cancer patients. Cancer patients have unique needs which must be addressed to make sure that a massage is beneficial to their health. I focus my attention on creating a gentle, nurturing environment for you to relax into.

Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage is a form of massage designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly. It helps to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, and also increase range of motion. If you are elderly, geriatric massage can help you maintain and improve your overall health, as well as regain certain physical functions that have been reduced due to aging. In addition, since the elderly don't typically receive enough physical touch, this massage can also help alleviate symptoms of loneliness or depression.


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a type of bodywork which is focused on the energy fields of the body, rather than the physical body itself. This type of body work is also called energy work, because the practitioner attempts to adjust the skewed energy fields of the body and bring them into balance. During a polarity therapy session, the therapist and client usually work together in a very calm, relaxed environment.

Chair Massage

$1.25 per Minute

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension right in your home or workplace. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair which I bring to your location. In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.

Beginners Deep Tissue/TP Massage

Beginners Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Massage - 6 CEU hours (see discount below)

This workshop will start off by answering/discussing the following questions
1.  What is "Deep Tissue"? Is it just more pressure ?
2.  ...Is it necessary?
3.  What do clients mean when they say_go deeper?
4.  How will it help my client?

An overview of the muscles and all related definitions will be discussed during the class. Muscles: Mainly Upper back, shoulder, and neck muscles and some hip, low back muscles.

Hands on demonstration: 
-  Palpation/assessment
-  Over clothes and on the body

-  Power of intention
-  Warming up & stretching tissue and muscles
-  Deep tissue work on surface and deeper muscles

-  Incorporating class instructions and your knowledge
-  Finding Trigger Points and how to work them
-  Using the scale system 1-10

Your goal is to find the areas that need immediate relief of discomfort or chronic pain.  A client might come in with a headache, stress, neck pain, back pain, radiating pain down arm with loss of ROM, tightness of breath or general reduced function of joints. Or "I have this nagging pain somewhere in my back"

In this class you will learn how to access the hidden causes of these symptoms and give some immediate and long lasting relief. You will have a Plan of Action.

 You will then be given the Secret Ingredient to having amazing results with Deep Tissue/ Trigger Point work.

Practice, practice, Practice !!!


Cost:  $125     $20 discount if registered 2 weeks in advance (discount code wkshp20).

Limited Time: Pay for one Workshop and get the second workshop at $55.00 off. (second workshop can be taken anytime within 4 months of payment)  Call for discount code on second workshop.

Go To Website
Choose Your workshop and Pay with PayPal or Credit Card.
When you are checking out...Be sure and specify date of workshop you want to take in the Comments area below statement that says "How would you Like to Pay?"
When payment is received you will be emailed Houston Location and other details.

First four enrollees will not have to bring a table!

Call Robert 713 385-6084 anytime for more information !!

This Course or Advanced DT is a Prerequisite for:  Trigger Point and Orthopedic Massage Part I and II